Trees, Soils, Seeds / Anna Moore
Four expert-citizens - a doctor, two artists and an ecologist - share their green skills and knowledge to engage us in imaginative exercises of cultivation and mutual care over three weeks. Join Dr Anna Moore in a talk on why trees are crucial to our lung health, charting direct action campaigns by local people to save trees due to be felled by developers.
Dr Anna Moore is a medical educator, population health practitioner and respiratory doctor who works clinically in the Barts Health breathlessness service. She is interested in conversations about determinants of health, whether social, commercial or ecological, and how they intertwine. For more than a year she has been involved with non-violent direct action to protect a mature tree in her neighborhood, threatened with felling due to an insurance claim. In doing so she has started to learn and think more about factors which influence our health, and how to apply these in healthcare and education.