• As we enter pride season, the principles of collective liberation on which our movement began could not be more necessary. In this spirit, ahead of announcing our upcoming season, Gathering with Palestine, we would like to share some changes that are in process at QUEERCIRCLE. 

    But first, we owe an apology.

    In October 2023, the Charity Commission launched an initial investigation into QUEERCIRCLE after receiving complaints about our statement in support of Palestine and the events we programmed to discuss Palestinian human rights and anti semitism. We were unprepared for the moment and in response to this pressing threat we shared a clarification statement. 

    We know this and our silence since caused hurt among many of our communities. For that, and any confusion about our stance, we are deeply sorry.

    Since those statements, tens of thousands of innocent civilians have been killed, homes and vital infrastructures destroyed and the violence has spread across the region. 

    As we bear witness to the devastating effects of occupation, apartheid and other global crises, as a queer arts-health organisation we refuse to be apolitical, intimidated or silenced. We have resourced ourselves and adapted to the urgency of the times to strengthen our solidarity with the people of Palestine and other oppressed peoples. 

    We are particularly grateful to the artists and our partners who held us accountable and supported us through this process. Some of these changes are already in motion, others are long term commitments we are making to contribute to a future for Palestinians built on liberation and justice.

  • Governance & Policies


     We successfully defended our position to the Charity Commission that supporting Palestine was well within our remit as an arts charity supporting LGBTQ+ people. However, as a young organisation, this highlighted vulnerabilities in our governance, policies and procedures.

    This has been an intense period of learning, in particular, regarding how we operate within the legal and regulatory framework of the Charity Commission, the government’s new definition of extremism, the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill, and Arts Council England's new guidance on political activity. 

    However, to question, challenge and adapt institutional structures is as much a part of our work as delivering exhibitions, workshops and research. To do so acknowledges the political and social context within which we operate.

    We have used this time to review our governance and prioritised the development of Political Campaigning, Social Media, and Events policies. These policies equip us with the legal and procedural knowledge to better serve our communities and ensure any future challenge can be preempted and met with a robust defence.

  • Ethical Funding

    Since our inception, we have taken a critical and ethical approach to our fundraising to avoid any form of pinkwashing. To date, we have declined sponsorship from several global corporations for this reason. 

    We have made this explicitly clear in our Ethical Fundraising Policy which is available on our website. In summary, we refer to the Stonewall Workplace Scheme, Ethical Consumer, Good on You Directory and the BDS Movement among others to inform our decisions. 

    We are currently funded by The National Lottery Reaching Communities Fund, Propel (administered by City Bridge Trust) and Royal Borough Greenwich Council. We also generate income through sales and individual giving.

    We bank with the Charities Aids Foundation (CAF Bank)


    Whilst institutions celebrate the presentation of historical civic and artist revolt when it is safe to do so, the sector has yet to - but must - contend with the most urgent matters of our time as they are unfolding. In part, our role is to support artists and our communities in their response to such matters whilst providing space for our communities to gather, discuss and debate. 


    Building on our work over the last two years, and having resourced ourselves to do so properly, this, we believe, is how we can contribute to the calls for solidarity in the most constructive way.


    Gathering with Palestine unites 15 organisations - including charities, institutions, grassroots and community groups - committed to joining and contributing to the mass movement for Palestinian national liberation. Taking an intersectional and systemic approach, we invite our community and partners to join us for a programme of teach-ins, discussions and workshops centering Palestinian voices. Collectively we’ll build practical transferable knowledge, resources and actions that contribute to supportive, relational  infrastructures; and a future for Palestinians built on liberation and justice.


    More details on this programme will be announced soon.


    In Solidarity,