The film Ted and Noel tells the moving story of Ted Brown, a founding-member of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) in the 1970. When his long term partner (Noel Glynn) was diagnosed with dementia, Ted was forced to place him in the care of a local authority care home were Noel was physically abused by staff.
At the screening at QUEERCIRCLE, Ted talked about his fight for justice, prompting a rich discussion between Tony Collins (Carer’s Centre, Tower Hamlets) and Sadiya Objani (SAGE: Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Elders). Together they compared different care systems, strategies for change and the need for intersectional approaches. You can read a reflective blog on this event by Tam Hart here:
Anyone interested in supporting Ted’s 'Not going in the Care Closet!' campaign should contact clare@lambethlinks.org.uk. Any older LGBTQ+ person who wants to join a peer to peer support group, drop Clare Truscott a line at brixtonumbrellacircle@gmail.com -